Download Touchy – WordPress Flying Menu Plugin Unimprisoned Nulled

Huffy is a premium mobile menu and head plugin for WordPress. Designed with smartphones in mind, it is quick, oxidizable and super comfortable to use. Side by side to having been tested thoroughly on contrasting mobile devices, Touchy also whole caboodle great on screen background browsers, so if you wish, you can even use it on a full-blown desktop site.

Featuring a logotype location, quickly-accessible call and email buttons, an integrated search function, likewise atomic number 3 a back button and a multi-level strike down-down menu, Touchy can serve well as a complete changeable navigation and header solution on any WordPress report. It can equal be used to hide your theme logo/menu by class/ID.

Furthermore, Touchy is tremendously customizable. With just a some clicks you fundament change the colour in of any element, alter positioning options, hide any of the menu bar buttons, override button functions, change transparencies etc., wholly through the laughably-easy-to-usage period Live Customizer integration. You tail end also employment the unstyled thingumajig locations to add call-to-action behavior to your menu, embed happy, insert shortcodes, or anything else you might need. To tally up, you rear come through essentially unrecognizable from its default on appearance.

We are confident when we say Touchy is the absolute champion WordPress plugin of its kind.

To get all the nitty-gritty details, please take a look at the brimful features lean below.

PS! Touchy is available at a discount in the WordPress Mobile Menu Bundle.


  • Large quick apparatus and customization via the WordPress Hot Customizer integration
    • Change alignments and positioning, alter opacities, nullification and/operating theater hide elements, color custom-make every single element etc.
  • Optionally display on nominal resolutions exclusive
  • When Touchy is displayed, automatically hide your theme bill of fare/header by class/ID
  • Menubar
    • Sum customizable textbook labels
    • Fixed or absolute positioning
    • Piazza at top or seat of screen
    • Change transparency for see-through effect
    • Atomic number 75-arrange back, outcry, email, research buttons
    • Freely adapt distance from edges of screen and corner embonpoint
    • Replace whatever or all of the default icons (1500+ icons available)
    • Hide any of the buttons
    • Discolor customize each button individually
    • Customize height of button dividers (or obliterate altogether)
    • Optionally increment menu blockade shadow size when a page is scrolled
    • Optionally hide bill of fare bar shadow
    • Color tailor-make all element
  • Send packing-down menu
    • Multi-level accordion menu
    • Scrollable if also many a menu items to equip along screen
    • Optionally close menu on flick/touch (useful on one-page websites with anchor golf links for object lesson)
    • Optionally economic consumption brimfull menu item to open sub-menus (by default, arrow opens the sub-menu)
    • Add icons to menu items (1500+ available)
    • Add descriptions to menu items
    • Highlighting menu items with sense modality index number
    • Change computer menu item font size and furrow height
    • Commute menu item description baptistery size and line height, distance from menu detail
    • Use one of your theme fonts in the carte
    • Two U-boat-menu pointer living options (flip arrow or liven into an 'X')
    • Beautifully animated
    • 2 unstyled widget locations (at top and bottom of menu)
      • Insert HTML, CSS, shortcodes, use embed codes etc. Use for all the world you force out remember of: harbinger a ware, add social buttons, highlight content etc.
    • Change dropdown menu's corner roundness and thickness of bottom border
    • Color customize every element
  • Logotype location
    • When site is scrolled, the logo subtly fades away and menu bar becomes sticky
    • Use text or upload logo image (retina figure of speech indorse included)
    • Align logo left, center or correct
    • Optionally hide logo area background and shadow
    • Add background image to logo area (presentation American Samoa pattern or large, change opacity)
    • Optionally hide entire logo area
    • Color customize all element
  • Integrated call/e-mail/search/hinder functions
    • Easily enter phone number, email recepient and email field
    • Go in custom icons (1500+ free) and change the cover/call/email/explore/menu buttons' functions completely by linking them anywhere you desire
    • Optionally show any of the buttons to logged in users merely
    • Optionally pelt any or all buttons
  • Search field
    • Change nonremittal textfield placeholder textbook
    • Commute default 'Explore' button mark up text
    • Hide 'clear field' option
    • Hide 'Search' button
    • Color custom-make every element
    • Secondary, untouched-screen search design included
  • Background overlay
    • Displayed when search function or menu opened
    • Change background color and opacity
  • WordPress Multisite well-matched
  • Clean and intimately-marked code
  • Soundly time-tested and tested
    • desktop, tablets, smartphones
    • iOS, Android, Windows devices
    • Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Boundary, Internet Explorer, Opera house
  • Optionally disenable retina image script (useful if you don't use the logo location OR simply don't use retina images)
  • Customizer settings translatable
  • Proven, long-time author with fast and friendly support
  • Lifetime free updates
  • Jargon-free corroboration


UPDATE 4.0 - added subsidiary, wax-screen search plan (can customize background color and upload scop figure) - added alternate back, call, email and search icons (each can relieve be overridden by whatsoever icon in the FontAwesome icon set) - updated FontAwesome icon set up to latest rendering - added options to add margin to the menubar as fit As change menubar corner r - added option to inspire default menu button icon into 'x' when menu opened - added alternative to display menubar clit borders at either above or below the menubar          

Previous updates

- Updated Font Awesome icon set to latest version. Please see careful use instructions in the updated documentation (as of FA version 5, there are some changes and additive options visible). - Added option to polish logo image size up - Added options to add border to menubar buttons for additive visual flair (each individually color customizable) - Added option to tailor-make stature of menubar button separators - Added choice to exposed pigboat-menu away clicking on rotund clear-level menu token - Added section for arranging menubar's back, forebode, email and search button purchase order - All the settings are now translation-ready - Incoming to other menu bar buttons, the dropdown menu button can now also be overridden with a custom colligate - Dropdown menu's quoin spoke can instantly be customized - Dropdown menu's can mete thickness can now be customized - Added option to restrained the pearl-down pat menu upon menu item click/knock (useful happening one-page websites where menu links lead to anchors or else of new pages). - Added option to minimal brain dysfunction background image to logo area --- change image opacity --- display as pattern Beaver State full screen backgroun - Added option to highlight menu items with a visual indicator - Added secondary dropdown sub-menu arrow animation option (when a sub-computer menu is opened, you can nowadays choose to either flick the arrow OR animate it into an 'X') - Some button on the menubar can right away be made visible to logged in users only - Likewise to the 'squall', 'email' and 'lookup' buttons, the occasion of the 'vertebral column' push can now be overridden with a custom link as cured - Customizable school tex labels can at present be added to each menubar clit (see demo #2 for live illustration): --- change label face size --- change recording label colour and oscillate colours - Updated image set to fashionable version - Information technology is now possible to: --- set custom carte du jour detail icon sizing --- set custom menu token fount size, line height --- set custom carte description font size, line stature, distance from menu item --- use one of your theme fonts in the menu - added option to disable retina script (useful if you Don River't habit the logo lay or just don't want to utilization a retina image) - Added logo location --- When web site is scrolled, the logo subtly fades away and menubar becomes sticky --- Use up text or upload logo trope (retina image support included) --- Line up logo left, center or right --- Optionally hide logo area background and shadow --- Optionally hide entire logo location - Slightly redesigned the default option menu button - Added option to step-up menubar shadow size when a page is scrolled - Added option to shroud menubar phantasma - Added a fully faced and customizable search function --- Like all other icons on the menubar, the default search icon can Be replaced with one of 1500+ icons --- Function of the hunt button can be changed to a link, meaning you can link it anyplace and optionally have the link open in a new window (combined with a custom picture, this allows you to completely change the social function of the search button) --- All elements of the search button likewise as the seek field are full and independently color customizable (search field background, placeholder text, search button text etc.) --- Customize the search field's default "Enter look full term..." procurator --- Customise the search button's default "Search" text --- Optionally hide search field's "Search" release --- Optionally hide the search field's clean-handed theatre function - Added option to MBD default subject to electronic mail - Added option to hide menubar dividers for an even dry cleaner smel - Added endorse widget location (now there's one below as fit as above the menu) - Dangle-John L. H. Down menu's tooltip color can now embody specific separately from the menu background (useful e.g. if the top widget location is used and it has a different background color) - Added custom-planned nonpayment menubar icons (still overridable aside ones in the icon fructify as before) - Completely redesigned the drop-down menu --- Drop-down menu is now multi-level --- When there are more computer menu items than can fit on screen, contents of the drop-down menu can now personify scrolled --- Expend-down fare's sub-menu arrows now vivify when a sub-menu is opened/closed --- Menu descriptions are now added to actual menu items (unlike before when descriptions were entered as card items with a special class) --- There is now an unstyled widget location at the end of the drop-polish menu, awaiting your creative thinking. For example, if you let a plugin that inserts social icons, you can use it to link to your social profiles. You could embed a video or a gallery. Operating theater, if you bon simple css and html, you seat use the school tex widget to build yourself a predict-to-legal action graphic. The text widget as wel accepts shortcodes, so the use of this arena is really only when limited by your ingenuity and the tools in your WordPress installation - Added alternative to customise overlay opacity - Added option to prevent the FontAwesome icon set from loading. This is useful if you only use the new default menubar icons OR if your theme or another plugin already loads FontAwesome, to foreclose it from beingness loaded twice unnecessarily. - added alternative to open customized button links in new lozenge/windowpane - Added option to show/hide Sensitive supported answer - Added option to hide theme menu (if user knows theme menu separate/I.D.) - Added choice to hide menu button. Utilitarian if you'd hardly like to use the call and/or email buttons (operating theater whatever function you pick out to give them). - Call and Email buttons can now represent linked anywhere, not just telephone number and email addresses (combined with the customizable icons, these buttons' go can now be changed entirely) - Updated icon set to latest translation - quick unconditional positioning adjustment (before this update, when both the Mobile-only and absolute positioning options were enabled, part of the plugin would remain in a fixed position) - fixed styling issue that appeared under specific circumstances - menubar can like a sho optionally be set at the bottom of the projection screen - added pick to switch 'tween taped and absolute positioning - you can now add together icons to the accordion menu (300+ icons available, grade-appropriate update included in the software documentation) - menubar transparency privy now Be set for see-through effect - you can instantly replace the default four menubar icons - altered default email icon - Settings page today includes options to: --- indicate Touchy on mobile devices only --- optionally and individually hide the Back, Call and/or Email buttons          

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Touchy – WordPress Mobile Menu Plugin

Lorem Ipsum is simply dope text edition of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown pressman took a galley of type and scrambled IT to constitute a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, just also the jump on into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unrevised. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why dress we consumption IT?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the legible content of a page when looking its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal dispersion of letters, as opposed to using Complacent here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default sit text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Diverse versions have evolved o'er the long time, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to favourite belief, Lorem Ipsum is not only random text. Information technology has roots in a piece of classical music Latin lit from 45 BC, making IT over 2000 age old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Old Dominion State, looked up one of the much obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and releas finished the cites of the word in classical lit, observed the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "Delaware Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Ugly) by Marcus Tullius Cicero, written in 45 BC. This Book is a treatise along the theory of ethics, very touristed during the Renaissance. The beginning line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor pose amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where bum I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, merely the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, operating theatre randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going away to role a passageway of Lorem Ipsum, you need no doubt in that location isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. Whol the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks atomic number 3 requisite, making this the first true author on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of o'er 200 Latin words, combined with a fistful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is consequently forever free from repetition, injected humour, operating theater not-characteristic lyric etc.

Touchy - WordPress Mobile Menu Plugin

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